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What is Metal Spraying?

The combustion wire thermal spray process is basically the spraying of molten metal onto a surface to provide a coating.


Material in wire form is melted in a flame (oxy-acetylene) and atomised using compressed air to form a fine spray. When the spray contacts the prepared surface of a substrate material, the fine molten droplets rapidly solidify formatting a coating. When machined this coating is harder wearing then the original substrate.


Characteristics of Wire Flame Spraying Process Coating


The substrates to be metal sprayed are not affected by high temperature, which keeps dimensional stability and morphological stability, causing no cracks or strength reduction.


The coating contains harder particles then those original materials and hard ingredients including metal oxide, nitride and carbide which provides a high level of wearing resistance.


It is available in a broad range of thicknesses.

Don't replace - Metal Spray!!

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